INDUCOL is a tannery founded in 1978, with headquarters and manufacturing facilities in central Portugal and dedicated to the processing and finishing of lamb and sheep skins with wool on, for garments, shoes, upholstery and leather goods, most commonly known as shearlings.
Fitted with a fleet of last generation machinery, with an optimized lay-out and a modern technological laboratory for investigation and innovation, assures not only the experimental development in all the production steps, but also the research of new fashion trends, colours and textures, developed for the fashion and luxury markets worldwide.

Such conditions allow the main product of its production, the so called “merino doubleface” to become a reference in the world’s high fashion field, garnering among the most prestigious fashion stylists and designers an image of credibility and quality of the supplied value.
Maintaining a global competition posture, ensures a permanent contact with its customers, both directly and through its international agents, as well as a commercial policy of proximity, aiming to support in research and development of new articles and finishings, within fashion trends.
Defines itself as an environmentally friendly company, being pioneer in environmental control and protection, having built its own private water treatment plant, already in 1989, which scrupulously complies with the parameters legally established by law with continuity in the permanent search and definition of new non-polluting productive processes.

The whole production process complies with the REACH convention for restricted and prohibited chemicals since its implementation, and the company subscribed the MRSL and PRSL projects, of most leading fashion brands, investing in an eco-friendlier and innovative production process,
Being an environmentally concerned company, is certified for ISO 9001 and registered on ZDHC for all chemicals used in the production process.

The company also joined the Leather Working Group, having been recently audited and having in the meantime started with the necessary implementations to achieve gradually the next certification levels.
Being also concerned with the social well-being of its workers, it is currently in progress the implementing of the social responsibility standard.
Becoming increasingly important, issues such as traceability, the company is prepared to manage this issue in a relatively easy way, because it runs the entire production process from the raw stage till the final product, working solely and exclusively raw materials with origin in the Iberian Peninsula, therefore not sourcing any kind of semi-processed raw material, neither from any other origin, which allows automatically a perfect traceability of the whole raw material supply chain.
All these aspects are of capital importance, contributing significantly to the continuity and success of the company.